Benefits of Eating Placenta
What are the Benefits of Placenta Pills?
A Medical Perspective
What is a placenta?
The placenta is a temporary organ that is formed during pregnancy in humans and mammalian animals. It acts as a buffer between the maternal immune system and the fetus, allowing for nutrition to pass to the fetus via the umbilical cord. The placenta is expelled from the body after delivery and can be collected or saved only after successful birth of the child or offspring.
Traditional Chinese Medicine
When compiling the first Materia Medica on Traditional Chinese Medicine in the 1500s, Li Shizhen wrote about the placenta as a medicine for the first time. Since then, the dried placenta has been frequently used to treat a variety of illnesses. The practice was known as Zi He Che.
Zi He Che
Since the days of Traditional Chinese Medicine, for thousands of years, placenta was saved for its medicinal properties and was eaten to obtain certain health benefits. As Western medicine progressed, modern research has shown advantages of placenta consumption and demonstrated that the Chinese were correct in their belief in the health benefits of eating placenta.

Figure 1 Placenta Pills contain stem cells. A stem cell can turn into any type of cell in the body.
Placenta contains stem cells that have the ability to differentiate into various different types of cells. Placenta cells are also able to release different hormones. These unique properties make placental tissue a useful tool in maintaining health and wellness in humans. People eat placenta in the form of placenta capsules or placenta pills.
Placenta Encapsulation
There are different methods of placenta encapsulation, and different placenta recipes such as a placenta smoothie, however, placental tissue is most commonly eaten in the form of encapsulated pills. Placenta pills like Vitamin Placenta contain a tasteless, odorless extract of placenta tissue. Unlike in Traditional Chinese Medicine, the placenta used in Vitamin Placenta does not come from humans and is thoroughly tested throughout the manufacturing process for purity, potency and safety standards.
Benefits to Eating Placenta
Why do people eat placenta? Well, there are many different reasons, and as we advance modern medicine and science we keep finding more benefits. Below is an overview of the benefits of eating the placenta from a medical perspective:
Health Benefits of Placenta

Figure 2 Placenta pills provide good post-partum support
Placenta Provides Good Post Partum Support
Baby Blues
Eating the placenta, also known as placentophagy, has several benefits for new mothers. Many mothers have reported decreased levels of certain vitamins and minerals such as iron and vitamin b. Placenta is naturally rich in every single vitamin necessary for survival, and can thus fill any deficiency in the body naturally. Placental ingestion also increases oxytocin production, a hormone associated with bonding. It also helps stop bleeding after delivery. Post-partum depression, or post-partum blues are common among new mothers. Placenta capsules can help with it naturally, without having to consume harmful pharmaceutical medications.

Figure 3 Placenta boosts mood. It helps reduce anxiety, stress and depression naturally.
Eating Placenta Improves Mood
Stress Disorders
Stress, anxiety, and depression are common mood disorders these days. Research shows that these problems can be cured naturally using placental tissue, which can be found in placenta pills. The placenta has properties to heal anxiety and depression by releasing a hormone called corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH). This hormone is released from the brain and is only found in placental tissue. It regulates several brain functions including circadian rhythm and mood. By balancing circadian rhythm, it helps synchronize other hormones, and the sleep-wake cycle, thus curing insomnia and improving mood.

Figure 4 Placenta pills treat anxiety naturally. They contain vitamins for anxiety.
Placental Consumption Treats Anxiety
Corticotropin Releasing Hormone
Going back to the corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH), placental tissue is the only organ where you will find this specific hormone. CRH acts as a natural vitamin for anxiety. Besides regulating circadian rhythm, it functions to reduce anxiety and stress. It does this naturally and effectively, without having the negative side-effects associated with pharmaceutical drugs for anxiety, which can overly sedate people and cause long-term dependency, tolerance and addiction. Some people experience anxiety because they are deficient in certain minerals as well. Placenta capsules or extracts are full of vitamins and minerals which allow the body to meet any deficiency naturally.

Figure 5 Placenta pills improve brain function and aid in productivity by improving energy, concentration, and memory.
Placenta Improves Brain Activity and Productivity
Placental Opioid Enhancing Factor
Placenta extract contains a hormone called placental opioid enhancing factor (POEF). This hormone causes a significant increase in productivity by enhancing concentration. It boosts energy and increases the sensitivity of the brain. Placenta pills also improve sleep, which further aids in improving concentration, memory, and productivity.

Figure 6 Placenta has natural factors which help reduce chronic pain. They serve as vitamins against pain in the brain.
Eating Placenta can Help Manage Pain
Alternative Medicine for Pain
Placenta pills contain a certain protein called POEF which works as a vitamin for pain in the brain. Placental opioid enhancing factor (POEF) makes the brain more sensitive to naturally occurring opiate-like endorphins. Endorphins and other opiates are a part of the opioid system – a system that regulates pain in the body. Increased sensitivity of the brain to endogenous opioids reduces pain, thus allowing placental tissue to work as a natural painkiller. Interestingly, placenta has to be eaten to experience the pain reducing effects, as administration by other methods failed to illicit the same pain reduction. However, when eaten, it serves as a great natural treatment for chronic pain.

Figure 7 Placenta is an effective natural treatment for depression. It boosts energy, mood, and reduces anxiety and stress. This allows your brain to rewire itself through neuroplasticity.
Placenta Pills Reduce Depression (Especially Post Partum)
Placenta Pills for Postpartum Depression
Placentophagy, or eating placenta, reduces symptoms of depression such as insomnia, stress, and anxiety. It enhances brain function and allows the brain to repair itself through neuroplasticity, a process of rewiring the neurons or cells in our brain. Eating placenta regulates circadian rhythm through the CRH, telling your body when to go to bed and when to wake up. This boosts your energy levels in the morning, allowing you to feel refreshed when you wake up instead of tired. It elevates and affects mood regulation through the POEF, which helps reduce stress, anxiety and depression.

Figure 8 Placenta extract has stem Cells which repair & heal the body.
Placenta Repairs and Heals the Body
Placenta Stem Cells
Placenta pills contain stem cells that have the potential to grow into other cell types. They can repair and heal tissue damage in the body. This can help in regeneration and rejuvenation, allow your muscles to heal faster after workouts, or skin to regrow faster after cuts or burns. Taking placenta capsules like Vitamin Placenta can prevent and repair damage in your body and improve general health to all of your organs.

Figure 9 Placenta helps strengthen and fortify hair. It contains vitamins for hair growth and is scientifically proven to prevent hair loss naturally.
Placenta is Good for Hair
Placenta for Hair Treatment
Hair loss is a commonly encountered problem these days. It is known as alopecia in medical terms. Hair needs appropriate nourishment in order to become strong and regrow. Placental tissue contains vitamins and other nutrients that are beneficial for hair health. Moreover, placenta pills provide growth factors that promote hair growth by keeping hair follicles alive and healthy. These growth factors serve as vitamins for hair growth and vitamins against hair loss. Placenta contains factors that promote new, strong hair growth and prevent hair-loss naturally.

Figure 10 Placenta Extract penetrates the skin and promotes skin elasticity and collagen production. This reduces wrinkles and makes the skin look and feel younger.
Placenta Heals and Repairs Skin
Placenta Helps with Anti Aging
The placenta is well-known for its anti-aging properties. It is popular among celebrities for the same reasons. It works by improving skin in various ways. Its anti-oxidant properties protect against oxidative damage and make skin look more beautiful. Its anti-microbial properties can protect the skin from infections. Placenta rejuvenates and repairs skin by boosting protein production. It increases skin elasticity and prevents wrinkles. Placenta extract directly stimulates the production of collagen, which has been scientifically proven to improve skin by reducing the appearance of wrinkles or fine lines.

Benefits of Eating Placenta Pills
Benefits of Taking Placenta Pills
So what are the benefits of placenta consumption and why do people eat placenta? The simple answer is because placenta is rich in nutrients and minerals, and it has some very unique properties which allow it to benefit the body in a very unique way. As more research is done on the topic, we uncover more benefits to placental consumption.
In fact, there are so many benefits to eating placenta that it can be considered an all-in-one multi-vitamin, anti-anxiety, anti-depressant, pain-reducer, mood-booster, skin-repairer and hair loss treatment. To answer the question again, why wouldn’t someone want to eat the placenta?
Placenta pills are an excellent way to achieve health, goodness, and beauty in a natural way. They can help you look and feel better. Until now they were only available to women post-birth. For the first time, anyone can experience the benefits of placenta consumption.
Benefits Of Placental Pills
Why should you eat placenta?
Placenta is the tissue that nourishes a baby during pregnancy. It contains nutrients that support fetal development and growth. Eating placenta has been shown to improve mood and energy levels in people who are pregnant or nursing.
Here's why it's good for you!
There are several reasons why eating placenta might benefit you. First, it provides an easy way to get extra nutrition while pregnant or breastfeeding. Second, it helps to reduce stress and anxiety. Third, it supports healthy hormone production. Fourth, it promotes healing after childbirth. And finally, it helps with postpartum recovery.
It's packed with nutrients.
Placenta contains high levels of iron, zinc, calcium, magnesium, vitamin B12, folate, protein, and amino acids. These nutrients help support the growth of new cells during pregnancy and provide energy for the mother and baby.
It helps with weight loss.
Eating placenta has been shown to help women lose weight after giving birth. This is because placenta contains hormones that regulate appetite and metabolism. In addition, eating placenta can also help reduce stress and anxiety.
It boosts energy levels.
Eating placenta helps boost energy levels by increasing blood flow throughout the body. This means that more nutrients will reach the brain and other organs, helping them function at optimal levels.
It improves skin health.
Placenta contains high amounts of iron, zinc, calcium, vitamin B12, and protein. These nutrients help keep the skin healthy and strong. In addition, eating placenta can help prevent wrinkles and stretch marks.
Where to Buy Placenta Pills
Vitamin Placenta is the only placenta supplement made in the US according to GMP standards, and the only ISO certified placental supplement in the world. It is the only one I would trust with my health, and the only one I would recommend to others.
Placenta Pills Benefits
So what are the benefits of placenta consumption and why do people eat placenta? The simple answer is because placenta is rich in nutrients and minerals, and it has some very unique properties which allow it to benefit the body in a very unique way. As more research is done on the topic, we uncover more benefits to placental consumption.
In fact, there are so many benefits to eating placenta that it can be considered an all-in-one multi-vitamin, anti-anxiety, anti-depressant, pain-reducer, mood-booster, skin-repairer and hair loss treatment. To answer the question again, why wouldn’t someone want to eat the placenta?
Placenta pills are an excellent way to achieve health, goodness, and beauty in a natural way. They can help you look and feel better. Until now they were only available to women post-birth. For the first time, anyone can experience the benefits of placenta consumption.

Visit to learn more information about the benefits of placenta pills and to buy your own bottle of placenta pills.
Placenta Benefits
The placenta is a gland that grows on the uterine wall during pregnancy and is linked to the fetus via the umbilical cord, and it can also act as a filter for waste products in the baby's blood.
The practice of placentophagy (eating placenta) is found in a 16th-century Chinese text, the Compendium of Materia Medica. This ancient medical system, which dates back millennia and is now practiced all over the world, refers to the term "placenta" in several of its standard reference books.
Placenta Capsules
The placenta capsules are safe and healthy, containing no harmful ingredients. Iron is the only micronutrient present in sufficient concentrations to affect your health. A separate study based on the same dataset found that 17 hormones are present in placenta capsules, 15 of which are found in all 28 placentas.