Treatment for Postpartum Depression
A lot of talk about the benefits of eating placenta have to do with prevention of depression. It is a well-known fact that placenta helps with a specific type of depression called post-partum depression, but what is post-partum depression, and how can you benefit from this too? Here we outline exactly how everyone suffering from any type of depression, and others not even experiencing depression, can still benefit from Vitamin Placenta.

Post-partum depression is defined as the depression that occurs after giving birth, specifically in new mothers within the first 3 months of childbirth and can last for up to the first year or more after giving birth. The National Institute of Mental Health defines the symptoms of post-partum depression as: feelings of worthlessness, lack of concentration, irritability, thoughts of suicide, difficulty sleeping, anxiety, and irritability. A lot of these symptoms are also felt by many other people throughout different times in their life, however they aren’t defined collectively as they are in post-partum depression (PPD). And mothers that have given birth and experienced these symptoms know how devastating they are to overall well-being, and how they make even the smallest tasks nearly impossible.

Natural Medicine for Postpartum Depression
Many of the treatments for postpartum depression include the use of chemicals which might harm the baby, especially if the mother is breast-feeding. These treatments include anti-depressants, which carry harmful side-effects, anti-anxiety medications, sleep-aids, mood-stabilizers, and other drugs which can cause more harm than good. Most of these medications are inadvisable if breast-feeding, and collectively they cannot assuage all the symptoms associated with postpartum depression, even if taking a separate medication for each symptom. This leaves little hope to someone who wants to naturally care for their child while feeling better from some of the debilitating symptoms associated with this condition.

Vitamins for Depression and Anxiety
This is where the placenta comes in. Placental supplements are well known to help with most, if not all, of the symptoms of depression. Recently, reduction of postpartum depression is the number one reason mothers choose to supplement placenta. Mothers who have experienced the benefits of placental supplements can attest to the miraculous effects each placental supplement has on the alleviating any and all of these symptoms. That is to say that placental supplements can help with irritability, insomnia, anxiety, feelings of worthlessness, lack of concentration, and even thoughts of suicide. There is a lot of promising research that points to how placenta helps with PPD, and alleviates many of these symptoms. Although there isn’t formal research to show that placental supplements treat depression, they definitely help with many of the symptoms associated with it, and therefore, they would help anyone feeling any form of depression, or any of the symptoms we have outlined. Vicenta hopes to create leading research to one day support the recommendation of placental extract as a first-line recommendation to all people experiencing any of these symptoms, rather than the pharmaceutical drugs they prescribe today, by leading clinical trials in this space to support this cause. In the meantime, these effects are posted on countless forums, and many mothers have experienced these benefits from each placental supplement they take.
Benefits of Placenta Pills
However, you don’t have to be a mother to experience the benefits of placental supplements. You don’t even have to give birth and capsule your placenta to feel better from any of these symptoms! Perhaps you gave birth and didn’t save your placenta, or you didn’t have the hundreds of dollars it cost to create your own placental capsules, or you did create your own capsules, however they ran out and you still feel these symptoms. This is why our product was created. We believe that everyone should be able to benefit from the many benefits of placental supplementation, whether they’re a woman who just gave birth, a man who is feeling down, a college student having difficulty concentrating, a working professional suffering from insomnia, or any adult who wants to benefit from reducing their anxiety while stabilizing their mood without relying on harmful pharmaceutical drugs to do it. All of this is possible, and available to you for the first time with our new placental based supplement: Vitamin Placenta.

Vitamin Placenta Pills
Vitamin Placenta was made as an affordable way for anyone to experience the benefits of placental supplementation. We don’t make direct claims that our supplement can treat or cure post-partum depression, or any of the direct symptoms associated with it. But I can say first-hand that I personally, and many of my colleagues have experienced reduced anxiety, irritability, reduction of insomnia, better mood, more energy, reduced pain, and even better concentration when taking Vitamin Placenta. What we are saying is that our supplement can potentially, naturally, and affordably offer some hope to anyone suffering from any of these symptoms. And the benefits aren’t limited to just women, or women that gave birth. Read about celebrities' that loved placenta pills for their depression like Kim Kardashian. Vitamin Placenta was made to offer these benefits to both Men and Women. And it does this effectively, efficiently, affordably, and naturally. It’s about time the benefits of placental supplements are made available to everyone. It’s time you experience the benefits of placental supplements, available to you for the first time: Vitamin Placenta.
However, if you want to learn about how placenta pills help with anti-aging, beauty, anxiety, stress, pain-relief, energy, mood, insomnia, and more click here to read about the benefits of eating placenta. Consider it the "cliff-notes" version of all the benefits of placenta. If you want to read about celebrities' like Kim and Kourtney Kardashian click hear to read about Kim Kardashian Placenta!