Placenta Pills Benefits
Information on Placenta Pills

Kourtney Kardashian calls Placenta Pills "Life Changing"
What is the purpose of the placenta?
Your placenta is an amazing organ that provides nutrition to your unborn child when it is inside your womb. Instead of disposing of the placenta after your child's birth, it might be more sensible to put those important nutrients back into your body.

Can you eat your placenta?
Although this concept may seem new or uncommon, the truth is that this practice of encapsulating the placenta has been around for generations dating back to Traditional Chinese Medicine over 1,500 years ago!
Placenta encapsulation is the technique of powdering the placenta and putting it in pill capsules to be taken postpartum.
Is eating placenta pills safe? What are the benefits of eating placenta pills?

Eating Placenta Benefits
After Birth Eating Placenta
Many celebrities and social media influencers (Kardashians eat placenta) have openly bragged about their postpartum use of their placentas, whether as pills, smoothies, or another form of postpartum consumption. The notion seems to be that doing this can help a woman’s body recover quickly after giving birth.

Why do People Eat Placenta?
Doctor Goje says that some new moms believe the placenta can give a rich resource of hormones and nutrients that can help them soothe their pain, enhance their milk production and reduce their risk of postpartum depression, as explained to the physician.
“I think the idea is that if this placenta has been nourishing the fetus in utero, maybe it could have some benefit to the mother,” she says.
In reality, this concept isn't so widely recognized after all. Placentophagy is an official term for the practice of eating of placenta, and it is practiced by a wide range of mammals. It's a mystery to us why they do it, though. According to some, this is done to get these alleged health benefits, while others claim it is just an innate activity meant to rid of signs that might alert predators that an animal has recently given birth.

Placenta Encapsulation
What is the definition of encapsulation?
Placenta pills contain encapsulated placenta tissue. Vitamin Placenta pills are a special form of placenta pills composed of placental extract. The origin of the placenta used in these placenta pills is porcine, or pig placenta tissue. Pig placenta is considered higher quality than sheep or horse placenta since pigs are closer to humans than other mammals, which is why many pharmaceutical medications originate in pigs instead of sheep or horses. The advantages of eating placenta made from pigs can be felt, seen and experienced by the body and brain.
Different Types of Placenta Encapsulation
- High potency encapsulation
- TCM encapsulation
High Potency Encapsulation
Retaining as many placenta hormones and nutrients as possible while also producing the most pills, this method ensures that the benefits will last for a long time. The raw placenta is usually dehydrated at a low temperature that preserves enzymes and hormones, then ground into a fine powder and encapsulated. Only one to two pills a day are typically prescribed. Taking these medications can boost women's energy and hormones and keep the baby blues at bay.
TCM Encapsulation
Inspired by Traditional Chinese Medicine, this process entails steaming the placenta, drying it, and grinding it into fine powder. Then, the powder is encapsulated. Initially, the dose of these pills is usually higher (2 pills, 3 times a day), but as needed, the dosage can be adjusted over time. However, this process is offered to women who prefer the original approach despite having to take smaller doses more frequently.

Are Placenta Pills Safe?
For a fee, a service will dry a woman's postpartum fetus and turn it into pills she can take as a supplement for a few weeks. At first glance, placenta capsules may not appear to have any downsides. Taken in large doses, placenta pills can cause serious health problems, in part because the encapsulation procedure is not governed by any regulations.
Dr. Goje points out that this raises a red signal because the Food and Drug Administration does not control this process. Because of this, there is no way to know whether the placenta is being heated for the exact duration and temperature required to kill any pathogenic bacteria or viruses it may contain.
Despite no regulatory agency monitering placental supplements, or any over-the-counter supplement in the US, there are steps that can be taken for safety. One of them is ensuring that they are made using good manufacturing practices, or GMP. Another includes third-party testing by an organization, such as ISO certification.
Numerous Benefits of Placenta Pills
Eating of Placenta (Placentophagy)
“Inadequate handling and preparation of this placenta may not eradicate pathogens,” she notes. Those pathogens pose a risk not only to moms but to breastfeeding babies.”
Dr. Goje points out that mixing raw placenta into a smoothie or boiling it into a meal does not minimize this danger. So how can you ensure that the placenta you are consuming is safe?
Third party organizations can accredit and inspect placenta prior to your eating it. One of those institutions is known as the Food and Drug Administration or FDA. Another is the National Institute of Health or NIH. Products that are made using GMP or Good Manufacturing Practices are already in a safer league due to manufacturing practices in those facilities.
The ultimate safety is through an international third party organization known as ISO. This is an expensive and extensive form of validation. They ensure that nothing harmful is present in the product they are inspecting. In fact, they go so far as to inspect the process, product and labeling to ensure that nothing in the product is missing from the label and visa versa. ISO certification to dietary supplements is what the FDA is to pharmaceutical medications. They are the highest authority in this field.

Buy Placenta
“How do you know that you’ve eradicated any infection?” she asks.
Buying placenta that has been inspected by the regulatory agencies can ensure that safety is taken into account, and dangerous or harmful pathogens, bacteria or fungi is eradicated or not present.

Safety – Centers for Disease Control
Dangers: Group b streptococcus
The CDC, or Centers for Disease Control account for certain dangers present in product, such as streptococcus bacteria, and regulate the safety of consumer products from harmful pathogens such as those.
Medical Review
Saving Placenta vs. Umbilical Cord
Doing a full medical review can go over the benefits of consuming and saving just the placenta, or also including the umbilical cord in the processing of the final tissue.
Dr. Goje advises expecting mothers who plan to eat their placenta to discuss the dangers with their doctor.
“For people who might be doing this, they have to be aware that they can infect themselves or their baby,” she says.
Due to the dangers of encapsulating or saving one’s own placenta, it is not recommended to do this without highly skilled personel with access to medical facilities that can help ensure the process is sterile from start to finish.
Regulatory bodies are not involved in placenta encapsulation processes, so there have not been any over-the-counter placental products sold to others due to safety concerns. Vitamin Placenta, a US-made placental supplement for men and women, overcame this concern by standardizing their process from start to finish and allowing an international third-party organization look at development from start to finish allowing inspection and regulation. The end product can safely be sold since it has been tested throughout the manufacturing process and is guaranteed to be safe from toxins or bacteria. The same can’t be said about traditional placenta encapsulation.

Is eating your placenta good for you?
Placenta is consumed for the benefits it bring to the people eating it. These benefits include improvements to the brain, body, and of course significant effects on beauty – a reason why placenta pills are also called “beauty pills” by many celebrities.
Eating Placenta Benefits
The benefits of consuming placenta make it one of the best natural supplements ever made. Immediate effects are felt by the brain. Placenta pills reduce anxiety, boost energy and improve mood. They are a natural treatment for insomnia and depression. Eating placenta also benefits pain by naturally reducing chronic pain. They are considered one of the best natural supplements for chronic pain, anxiety and depression, which is why they are consumed by many mothers after giving birth.

What are the Benefits of Placenta in Pill Form?
Eating Placenta Culture
Many women who have tried these placenta pills report improved moods, higher energy, decreased fatigue, and an increase in milk supply. In addition, they claim that the placenta help with postpartum depression. In fact, in Traditional Chinese Medicine placenta was primarily used as a vital treatment for postpartum depression. Postpartum recovery can be easier if you eat placenta pills.
Benefits of eating placenta pills
Eating Placenta Health Benefits
Many women report placenta encapsulation benefits such as:
- Increased energy
- Decreased risk of the baby blues
- Lower risk of postpartum depression
- Stress and hormones are in balance.
- Increased milk supply and improved bonding with the baby
- Reduced postpartum hemorrhage
- The uterus returns to its pre-pregnancy size more quickly.
- Faster weight loss after having a baby
- Overall, healing from the birth of the baby was faster and better.

Benefits of Placenta Encapsulation
Placenta Benefits of Eating
Placenta pills are an effective treatment for hair loss. Eating the placenta enhances hair re-growth, indicating that it could be an effective treatment for alopecia. Moreover, placenta supplements include growth hormones that promote hair growth by keeping hair follicles alive and healthy.
Benefits of Placenta in Capsules

Natural relief from Chronic pain
Placentophagy is said to provide natural pain relief, particularly after childbirth. The usefulness of placental extracts has been studied in patients with complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS), an inflammation-associated disorder marked by chronic pain, swelling, changing of skin color, and restricted movement.

Nutrients Found in the Placenta
The following is a list of the nutrients found in the placenta and how each one works to benefit men and women. They include vitamins, hormones, and other factors.
Vitamins in Placenta Pills
The placenta is filled with many crucial vitamins, necessary for proper functioning of the brain and body. As a result of the natural vitamins found in placenta pills, supplemental vitamins are seldom recommended unless special circumstances call for specific supplementation under the instructions of a physician. The most common vitamins found in placenta include the following:
- Vitamin B6
- Vitamin B6 supports the adrenal gland's normal functioning (adrenal glands are what produce hormones). It maintains a healthy nervous system by calming the mind and body. By serving as a coenzyme in the digestion of carbs, lipids, and proteins, it aids in a faster metabolism. You'll be able to produce more antibodies, which will aid your body's immune system.
- Vitamin B12
- A few kinds of anemia can be treated with this supplement. It aids your body's energy production and fat and carbohydrate utilization.
- Vitamin E
- Vitamin E defends against air pollution and other environmental pollutants. It also aids in the recovery of injured skin cells.
- Iron
- Red blood cells include iron, which delivers oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body. A lack of oxygen in your body can cause fatigue if you don't have enough red blood cells.
Hormones in Placenta Pills
The placenta contains hormones in addition to vitamins and nutrients. The following is a list of the hormones produced in your placenta and how the eating the placenta can benefit you:- Estrogen, Progesterone, Testosterone
- Contributes to the growth of the mammary gland in preparation for nursing, stabilizes postpartum mood, and modulates postpartum uterine cramps.
- Prolactin
- Prolactin enhances the motherly instinct by promoting breastfeeding and increasing milk production.
- Oxytocin
- Lowers discomfort and improves the bonding between mother and infant; inhibits the synthesis of stress hormones like cortisol; significantly reduces postpartum bleeding; and improves the nursing let-down reflex.
- Placental opioid-enhancing factor
- Placental opioid-enhancing factor increases well-being by stimulating the creation of your body's natural opioids, including endorphins.
- Thyroid-stimulating hormone
- Thyroid function is improved, energy levels are raised, and metabolism is regulated.
- Corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH)
- The placenta contains corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH), which is a natural supplement for anxiety. CRH regulation aids in the prevention of depression.
- Cortisone
- Cortisone in the placenta reduces inflammation and swelling, which aids in the healing process.
- Interferon
- Activates the immune system's natural defenses to fight infection and prevents the spread of the virus.
- Prostaglandins
- Prostaglandins help the uterus regain its pre-pregnancy size by regulating uterine contractions after delivery.
- Hemoglobin
- An oxygen-carrying molecule that offers a surge of energy.
- Urokinase Inhibiting Factor and Factor XIII
- Reduces bleeding and boosts up the healing process.
- Immunoglobulin G (IgG)
- Antibodies that aid the body's immune system.
- Human placental lactogen (HPL)
- Mammary gland development in preparation for breastfeeding is promoted by this hormone, which possesses lactogenic and growth-promoting characteristics. Maternal glucose, protein, and lipid levels are also regulated by it.
- Phosphorus
- Boosts nutrient absorption, hormone balance, cell repair, and digestion.
- Placental Growth Hormone
- Promotes fat breakdown, allowing them to be passed on to the baby.
- Placenta Diet Pills
- Placenta can be consumed to help lose weight through the placental growth hormone, which helps breakdown fat and pass it along the body.
Other Important Factors in Placenta Pills
Besides vitamins and hormones, placenta is rich in additional nutritients which aid in the proper functioning and repair of the body, brain and help contribute to the beauty effects seen when consuming placenta pills. Although this is not a comprehensive list, some of the important factors include:
- Cytokines
- Cytokines are small proteins generally secreted by cells in the body. They affect cell-to-cell communication in a certain way. They aid in producing new cells to heal wounds and replace damaged tissue.
- Stem cells
- Help to restore the physical damage due to childbirth. Boosts your body's ability to heal and recover quickly.

Kim Kardashian Eating Placenta
Health Benefits of Eating Placenta
Placenta for Skin
Beauty pills
In the placenta, you'll find both essential and non-essential amino acids, including alanine and aspartic acid Fibroblasts and collagen formation are boosted by these amino acids, as well as the reduction of skin pigmentation. Placenta is a rich source of collagens, the primary ECM component, contribute to tensile strength, cell adhesion, and tissue formation. Also abundant in elastin, the placenta provides skin with young-looking elasticity.

Celebrities Eating Placenta
Benefits of Placenta for Hair
Many celebrities eat placenta due to the beauty benefits associated with placental consumption. In fact, placenta pills are often called beauty pills by famous celebrities due to the way placenta improves skin and hair. Placenta is good for hair and contains the best vitamins for hair growth. There are many hair benefits of placenta pills, such as hair restoration, hair growth, and placenta hair treatment benefits overall.

Placenta Supplement Health Benefits
Placenta health benefits include skin improvement, hair growth, stress reduction, postpartum depression treatment, pain reduction, mood boost, hormone treatment, insomnia treatment and energy. Now you can buy placenta pills made for men and women with the highest quality placenta product. Not all placenta tablets are made the same, and low quality placenta products like sheep placenta have many unwanted side-effects. Placenta pills cost different prices, and low quality products are usually cheaper for a reason.

The Best Placenta Pills
Placenta Supplements
The best placenta pills for human consumption originate in pig, or porcine placental tissue, and contain an extract of placental protein instead of the crude placenta. Vitamin Placenta pills are top quality placenta capsules made in the USA using GMP standards. These placenta capsules are safe for Men & Women to consume, unlike traditional placenta pills women consume postpartum, which can only safely be eaten by that specific woman, and even then "safe" is a strong word since they do not undergo any sort of testing for purity.
Manufacturing Vitamin Placenta for Placenta Products
Unlike traditional placenta pills made after a women gives birth, Vitamin Placenta consists of placenta harvested from pigs at the peak of freshness. This placenta undergoes thorough testing to meet the standards set by Placenta Products, which turns down 99% of placental organs. Once the top 1% of placentas are selected, they are processed into an extract to isolate only the beneficial parts of the placenta. In total, although exact numbers are unknown, approximately 100 porcine placenta tissue is used to manufacture just one bottle of Vitamin Placenta, which contains 60 capsules of porcine placental extract.

The processing of placenta into an extract is done in a GMP facility by trained scientists, ensuring sterile technique and safety protocols to prevent contamination from bacteria, viruses, or other pathogens which may not pass the QC (quality control) standards set by Placenta Products. The stringent requirements result in a product which surpasses any other, and since manufacturing is done in the US, these placenta pills are carefully tested for safety. The ultimate test is done by an international third-party organization. They ensure no bias goes into the process, and tests for things like heavy metals, toxins, bacteria, and, of course, placenta! While it may seem obvious, many supplements do not actually contain what they claim on the bottle, so third party testing is highly recommended, especially in health products. The result grants Vitamin Placenta ISO 17025 certification, making these the only placenta capsules to achieve such an impressive standard, and the only placenta pills in the world that can claim ISO certification.

Vitamin Placenta
Vitamin Placenta is the ONLY ISO certified placenta supplement in the World 🌎 which is important when dealing with a health product. What this means is that they undergo extensive and rigorous third-party testing to ensure that they are indeed safe for human consumption, and do not have any harmful chemicals.
The origin of the placenta used in these placenta pills is porcine, or pig placenta tissue. Pig placenta is considered higher quality than sheep or horse placenta since pigs are closer to humans than other mammals, which is why many pharmaceutical medications originate in pigs instead of sheep or horses. The advantages of eating placenta made from pigs can be felt, seen and experienced by the body and brain.
Placenta health benefits include skin improvement, hair growth, stress reduction, postpartum depression treatment, pain reduction, mood boost, hormone treatment, insomnia treatment and energy. Now you can buy placenta pills made for men and women with the highest quality placenta product. Not all placenta tablets are made the same, and low quality placenta products like sheep placenta have many unwanted side-effects. Placenta pills cost different prices, and low quality products are usually cheaper for a reason.

Pig Placenta
Pig placenta pills are hard to find since they cost more to develop, however, they are better absorbed by the body, which is why they are considered the best placenta pills. Vitamin Placenta is superior to other placenta products since it contains an extract of placental tissue rather than crude placenta. This means that one vitamin placenta pill is equivalent to consuming 5 or more sheep placenta, and 10 or more horse placenta pills.
Sheep Placenta
Vitamin Placenta is also made using 🐖 pig placental tissue, which is carefully processed at at peak of freshness after delivery, without any harm to the mom or baby. We then extract the proteins from the placenta and concentrate that into an isolated capsule in order to provide the best result for the least amount of substance, allowing one of our capsules to equal several capsules of any other placenta tissue product.
Now everyone can afford placenta pills, not just celebrities like Kim Kardashian! Try Vitamin Placenta and experience the beauty benefits. Placenta reduces appearance of wrinkles and scars. It helps promote new, strong hair growth and prevents hair-loss.

Placenta in Capsules
Placenta capsules are also used to regulate mood, immunity, and hormones. They help reduce anxiety, stress, insomnia and pain. Plus they are loaded with healthy vitamins, helping naturally fill any deficiency.
Experience the benefits of placenta by taking the only safe placenta capsules made in the United States of America by buying Vitamin Placenta - your body will thank you! 😊
While there are many benefits of eating placenta, Vitamin Placenta capsules may specifically help reduce the appearance of aging, decrease wrinkles, improve skin, reduce pain, boost immunity, increase energy, reduce depression and improve mood.

Placenta Pills for Men
It is a common misconception that placenta pills can only be used by women. However, Vitamin Placenta was developed to be used by men and women, and thousands of customers have experienced the benefits of placenta pills, including men! In particular, many men have benefitted from the hair benefits of eating placenta. By taking placenta pills men can experience less hair loss. This has been studied directly in both men and women and highlights the benefits of men eating placenta as well as women since their body will react to the same physiological benefits such as pain relief, anxiety decrease, stress relief, treatment for hair loss, removal of wrinkles, and much more!

Placenta Pill Safety
Vitamin Placenta is also made in the USA using GMP standards, which means that they follow a rigorous manufacturing process. They are also ISO certified, making them the only ISO certified placenta product. ISO certification involves a third-party international organization validating the ingredients contained within the placenta pills, testing for origin, makeup, and potency of the final product. These placenta pills are considered better than every other type of placenta supplement since this product is the only one which passes ISO certification.

Placenta Pills for Sale
Despite the fact that it is rare to see, placenta can be bought and sold if it is done in a proper way. That is to say, mammallian placenta which is NOT sourced from humans, but originates in other species, can be consumed to offer the same benefits as those experienced by women who consume their own placenta postpartum. Placenta supplements are rare, and it is hard to find a quality brand which can be trusted, but it is not impossible.
Placenta Products manufactures Vitamin Placenta from porcine placental extract using GMP in a US facility. These placenta pills undergo stringent testing for safety, and have achieved ISO 17025 certification. Not all placenta pills are the same, and when choosing a product like this for your health, one must be careful to make sure that the manufacturing standards for placenta supplements adheres to the quality control standards expected for a high-quality product. Of course, cost is a big deal since a high-quality placenta product will cost more than a similar product which may not meet the same safety standards.
Placenta Pills Cost
Placenta pills can finally be found for sale in the USA! There are many benefits to eating placenta, however, pig placenta pills must be consumed in order to avoid unwanted side effects and experience the full benefits of placenta supplements. The only ISO-certified placenta supplement is Vitamin Placenta. These pills contain placenta extract and are considered the highest quality placenta capsules available for sale.
Although placenta pills are less expensive than those made after birth, which can range from $200-$500 and up, good quality placenta pills are not cheap. This is because of the cost of ingredients to make such products and the amount of time required to process and collect enough placenta, process it into an extract, and then capsule that product equally distributed in bottles with a label.
Vitamin Placenta cost $99.99, but can be found on sale right now for $59.99 Now you can buy placenta pills for men and women online. Experience the benefits of eating placenta by trying placenta pills made in the USA! Placenta pill benefits have been discussed by celebrities for years, but now they are available to men and women everywhere.
Pan. S.Y., Chan.M.K.S., Wong.M.B.F., Klokol.D., Chernykh.V..“Take a Look at the Recent Articles.” Placental Therapy: An Insight to Their Biological and Therapeutic Properties, Open Access Text, 16 Sept. 2017, DOI: 10.15761/JMT.1000118
Kwon, T. R., Oh, C. T., Choi, E. J., Park, H. M., Han, H. J., Ji, H. J., & Kim, B. J. “Human placental extract exerts hair growth promoting effects through the GSK-3β signaling pathway in human dermal papilla cells”. International Journal of Molecular Medicine, 34(4), 1088–1096. 2015. doi:10.3892/ijmm.2015.2316
Park. K.M, Cho. D.P, Cho. T. H. “Placenta Therapy: Its Biological Role of Anti-Inflammation and Regeneration.” IntechOpen, IntechOpen, 5 Nov. 2018. DOI:10.5772/intechopen.79718