We want to do more to help the academic community learn about the benefits of placental supplementation, however we can’t do it alone. Vicenta is based on the science, which is what drives our entire company, and is the basis of this supplement. What the science shows is that we need more research to directly correlate placental supplements to the benefits thousands of people have received from taking these supplements. Without direct scientific studies showing the benefits of our supplement on symptoms of post-partum depression, Vicenta cannot claim to treat any of these symptoms, and therefore we are saying that this supplement does not directly diagnose, cure, or treat any disease. However, potentially, if the research was conducted, we can.
Vicenta wants to conduct double-blind clinical trials on our supplement, Vitamin Placenta, to show the direct benefits of placental supplementation in an outlined research paper, published in a peer-reviewed journal, in order to expand upon our knowledge on the beneficial effects of Placentophagia. However, we can’t do this without the proper funding and backing. If you want to support the science on placental consumption you can donate now and help us add to the field of research in this field through properly conducted clinical trials. Please give now and help us conduct the necessary research to demonstrate the many benefits of placental consumption beyond anecdotal evidence. We thank you for your backing and support, and look forward to sharing this research with you, and updating you on the progress made toward this research as soon as it is available.
Please contact me directly, or buy our product if you would like to donate!